About the Conference
Over the past few decades, research and developments in chemical as well as applied sciences have been directed towards finding cleaner solutions and sustainable techniques. The seventeen sustainable development goals (SDGs) are defined by the United Nations for preserving the planet Earth and maintaining its harmony. Few of the emerging branches of chemical sciences, viz green chemistry and sustainable chemistry, focus on SDG12, “Responsible consumption and production". Developments in the fields of nanoscience and material science have opened new avenues to achieve SDGs 6, 7, 14, and 15. This conference is aimed at discussing recent advancements in chemical and applied sciences and their interfaces for the development of novel materials and chemical processes for applications in health, energy, environmental remediation, and the circular economy. This would provide a common platform for multidisciplinary researchers to come together for sustainable solutions by enhancing networking with eminent scientists from academia, industry, research organizations and government agencies.
About the University
The JECRC University (JU) was established in 2012 recognized by UGC. The 32-acre JU campus is located in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. The JU offers 155+ Programs at UG, PG and PhD level. Around 15,000+ students are currently pursuing their degrees and more than 22,000 alumni are spread over the globe. The JECRC foundation has excellent track record of placements by getting 2000+ offers every year. The multifaceted research at the JU resulted in 64+ patents. The university is recognized by NBA, AICTE and NAAC and is funded by Govt. agencies providing grants of more than Rs. 3.1 Cr. to support Startups PAN India. JECRC Incubation Centre (JIC) has incubated 60+ Startups across various sectors, generated 200+ Employments till now, and raised a total amount of 12+ Cr from External Venture Funds. JIC is supported with 10+Cr Funding received from MeitY Startup Hub as one of the Group 2 Centres in the TIDE 2.0 Scheme along with one of the esteemed centers as the Startup India SEED Fund Scheme by the Ministry of Trade & Commerce. JU Makerspace, a student driven cell organizes Maker’s carnival and National level Smart India Hackathon (SIH) every year. A M-power cell for mental health & wellness was also established recently in the university campus in association with Aditya Birla Education trust. JU is also contributing in social awareness & welfare through NSS, NCC, Abhyudaya - a student & faculty driven social hand including other clubs Click here to know more!.
About Department of Chemistry
The Department of Chemistry has been running since the inception of the university and we offer PG and Ph.D. programmes since then. The department has contributed in establishing “Science Technology and Innovation Hub in Jaipur District, Rajasthan” project worth INR 2.66 Crores funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (GoI). Department has a group of 15 well experienced and doctorate faculty members, including world’s top 2% Green Chemistry scientist ranked by Stanford University, fellow of RSC, council member of Indian Chemical Society, members of American Chemical Society, members of Royal Chemical Society, Indian Chemical Society and Indian Society for Chemists and Biologists, Vigyan Bharti etc. The department has hosted 52nd Annual Convention of Chemists (ACC-2015) and International conference in the year 2015. The department has also been conducting several webinars, seminars, workshops, training programs regularly. Research laboratories of the department are equipped with synthesis compatible facilities, such as, fume hood, Rotary evaporator, vacuum pump, chilled water circulator, ultrasonicator, high temperature Muffle furnace, microcentrifuge and orbital shaker along with analytical tools, such as, Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), UV-Vis spectrophotometer, flame photometer, pH meter and conductivity meter.
Thrust Areas
- Green Chemistry
- Nanomaterials & Nano Chemistry
- Computational Chemistry
- Supramolecular Chemistry
- Atmospheric Chemistry
- Photocatalysis
- Sustainable Cement Production
- Organic Synthesis and catalysis
- Chemical Biology
- Biodegradable Plastics & Polymer Composites
- Bio-catalysis & Biomaterials
- Biosensors
- Biofuels & Biorefining
- Computational Modelling and AI in Drug Development
- Toxicology & Narcotics
- Natural Products and Phytochemicals
- Groundwater and Wastewater Remediation
- Water Quality and Research
- Agrochemicals & Agro-contaminants
- Bioremediation
- Green Building Materials
- Photovoltaics and Supercapacitors
- Environmental Education and Awareness
- Hydrogen Energy
- Efficient Energy Materials
- Nanoelectronics and Battery Research
- Sensor and Electrochemical Sensing
- Drinking and WasteWater Chemistry and Related Technology
- Electrocatalysis
- Nano Emulsions, Coatings & Adhesives
- Alternative Energy Resources
- Sustainable Energy Policies
- Drug Designing & Pharmacology
- Drug Development and Formulations
- Process Development
- Sustainable Production & Management in Industries
- Advances towards Net Zero
- Rain Water Harvesting
- Air Quality Monitoring
Chief Patron

Shri O. P. Agrawal
JECRC University
Jaipur, Rajasthan

Prof. Victor Gambhir
JECRC University
Jaipur, Rajasthan

Shri Amit Agrawal
JECRC University
Jaipur, Rajasthan

Shri Arpit Agrawal
JECRC University
Jaipur, Rajasthan

Prof. Ram Rattan
Former ISRO Scientist & Pro-President
JECRC University
Jaipur, Rajasthan

Shri S. L. Agrawal
JECRC University
Jaipur, Rajasthan

Shri Dheemant Agrawal
Director, Digital Strategies
JECRC University
Jaipur, Rajasthan
 D.P. Mishra.jpg)
Prof. D. P. Mishra
Sr. Academic Advisor
JECRC University
Jaipur, Rajasthan
General Chair

Prof. Sanjay K. Sharma, FRSC
Dean (Research & Development)
JECRC University
Jaipur, Rajasthan
General Co-Chair